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Breast Screening: Have you had yours yet?

2Spirits and QC are excited and proud to launch the new health resources on cervical and susu, breast and chest screening for our Queensland communities, which has been two years in development, ‘Have You Had Yours Yet?’


Our Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities told us there was need to address lack of information and knowledge around screening and diverse bodies and genders in cervix, susu, chest and breast health.


We wanted to make sure we got this right and deliver resources for community members who have a cervix, susu, breast and chest to increase their health literacy knowledges.


Messages like ‘check them out’, ‘look and feel every month’, ‘LOOK for changes

in your susu, breast, chest’ and feel for lumps in your susu, breast, chest’ are messages to help our communities feel empowered and knowledgeable in achieving awareness and health for chest, breast and susu screening.


Throughout this process we consulted with community led by Project Officer Rocky Byrne. These resources have been created with and led by community to raise awareness and education to lower the higher rates of deaths from Cervical and susu, breast and chest cancer.


We acknowledge and thank Equality Australia for funding this vital project. We extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to community members who gave their value time and input in the development of the resources..


Our Champions of Change Project 

Recognising the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 in our communities in Queensland and owning that this has created implications for QC to champion change in the way we had originally planned to do; the local Champions of Change project is all about supporting individuals and locally led groups who are community connected, show leadership in their own unique way, and are happy to collaborate and partner with QC as change-makers in their local communities, working with us to amplify and support their actions and voices.


Think local. Act local. Repeat. 

This project enables individuals and/or groups to undertake an activity that will influence the change that they want to see within their "community" - be that geographic, population based or another attribute that connects a group together with a shared understanding or lived experience.

All of our Champions of Change Project team members are currently working with a mixture of people and groups across the state to support this program. Errol Choikee is our first Champions of Change recipient, who is a proud First Nations person from Yarrabah in North Queensland who identifies as a Sistergirl and is attending his first Mardi Gras along with his Koori sister Michelle Tobin.

To learn more about how Errol is championing change in his community, click the button below to read the full story our CEO Rebecca Reynolds has written for QNews.

Watch this space for more information as we progress! 


PrEP is a prevention strategy where HIV-negative people take medication to prevent HIV infection. Taking PrEP is as simple as taking one pill a day.

ComePrepd is a community-driven HIV prevention campaign by QC to raise awareness of PrEP.


For more information, please visit the ComePrepd website.


QC has been asking folk across this vast country of Queensland, the very simple questions of "What Makes You Happy?"

In a collaborative partnership that is centred in Reciprocity (otherwise known as - the 2Way Street), The Queensland Council for LGBTI Health (QC) and Queensland Health (QH) have the shared goal of understanding... What makes you happy?

We know that happiness looks, feels, tastes and sounds different to each and every one of us.  It comes from our memories and life learnings, it comes from unexpected moments and planned events, it is held onto and used to sustain us when times are harder and we need something to get us through.

Let's Treat Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmissible infection (STI) caused by the bacteria Treponema Pallidum and is spread through oral, anal, and genital contact.


QC and Queensland Positive People (QPP) have worked together to create campaigns and a website.

For more information, please visit the Let's Treat Syphilis website.


Mpox (also known as Monkeypox) is a rare viral infection that does not spread easily between people.


Mpox isn’t an STI, but it can be transmitted when you are hooking up, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms if you are attending dance parties, sex parties, saunas or find yourself in other fun places.

There continue to be local mpox cases notified in Queensland. We are alerted by Queensland Health when a case is notified so that we can provide updates to our communities.

Our Health Matters

Our Health Matters, launched in 2023, is created by and owned by our Trans, Gender Diverse and Non-Binary communities and people in Queensland to champion health priorities and support, inform and support TGDNB folks right across Queensland.  

It's important to take control of your own sexual health. 


Our Health Matters aims to support people within the Trans, Gender Diverse and Non-Binary communities and those making their own way through the world. We acknowledge that it may not be relatable for all folk, and we apologise if it isn’t for you. 

Talking Heals

As part of the National Suicide Prevention Trial, the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health developed the Talking Heals campaign in response to the increased rates of suicide and self-harm amongst LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy people.  Through community consultation and working alongside our community partners, we created pathways to support LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy people at risk of suicide.

For more info about suicide prevention work at QC, please click the button below.

Talking Regions

This work is prepared for and owned by our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities by the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health. Statistics reflect the general population and the latest data available, highlighting our LGBTIQ+ communities and people. Experiences gathered reflect consultations conducted by QC and our communities in 2023, with graphic recordings & illustrations by Rachel Apelt, Artbalm, 2023.

We thank all involved for telling your stories.

We recognise that the data publicly available for our communities is imperfect and could be better, and there are gaps. We recognise the tireless efforts and work being done to change and improve this. The feedback from our communities is recorded directly from our communities, reflecting the experiences and needs of our communities. To find out more about our consultations, Visibly Queensland, please click here.

Information is based on statistics and public community feedback knowledge gathered from available data in 2023 and early 2024. Graphic recordings by Rachel Apelt, 2023. Copyright Queensland Council for LGBTI Health 2024.

Talk Test Treat

Talk Test Treat was created to engage with the key populations to support sexual well-being, specifically related to the prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections, early access to culturally and socially appropriate services and systems that respect the needs of community.


Undetectable = Untransmissible

Visibly Queensland

Be seen. Be heard. Be a part of shaping a future for our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy Communities here in Queensland.

Our communities are amazing. We are visible, we are proud, we are here.


Over the past few  months we have travelled around the sate asking what matters to people. What do our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy people want and need in order to live their most authentic and safe lives?


You told us, and we are sharing it back with you.

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