Talking Regions
In 2023, QC conducted consultations right across this land now known as Queensland to hear directly from our communities what matters: being visible, being heard and talking about where they live talking about their regions. Along with publicly available statistics that talk about topics about our communities and the general population, we can place this information side by side. In 2024, we released the document ‘Talking Regions’ to help share this work back. We’ve helped prepare this, and this work is owned by our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities by the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health.
Statistics reflect the general population and the latest data available, highlighting our LGBTIQ+ communities and people. Experiences gathered reflect consultations conducted by QC and our communities in 2023, with graphic recordings by Rachel Apelt. We thank all involved for telling your stories.
We recognise that the data publicly available for our communities is imperfect and could be better, and there are gaps. We recognise the tireless efforts and work being done to change and improve this. The feedback from our communities is recorded directly from our communities, reflecting the experiences and needs of our communities. To find out more about our consultations, Visibly Queensland, please click here.